Tuesday 28 March 2017

ev3dev - Windows 7 ssh

Connect Robot to Windows 7, it downloads and installs the cdc gadget driver and will display ev3dev+ev3dev

open putty

connect via ssh to robot@ev3dev.local with the password maker

ev3dev - connecting to macbook 10.12.2

Need a cdc gadget driver

Connect to the robot via bluetooth or wifi

Reboot your ev3dev robot

once rebooted - goto All network connections - set "Wired" to connect 
Once "connected" you will get a IP Address

open SSH or iTerm and connect to the address using robot@IPADDRESS

Thursday 9 March 2017

Nagios - change opening page to tactical page

goto /usr/local/nagios/share/  or just locate "index.php"

vi index.php

At the top you'll find $url = ' main.php'

Change this to $url = ' cgi-bin/tac.cgi'

Restart Nagios